This week’s Square One: Purely Zentangle focus tangle is Groovy by Eden Hunt. Step Outs for this tangle can be found here.
I have a very busy summer ahead so I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with the weekly posts for the Square One focus. I’m already behind and I decided I wouldn’t try and catch up. But first off here are the two tiles I did for last week’s focus: Rundl by Ela Rieger.
In the first tile I added Diva Dance to Rundle and did the background using pencil.
In the second tile I used rounding on the Rundl.
Now to this weeks focus tangle. Groovy, uses a wavy grid, also known as an Ogee grid. It looks like this. (Note: I mentioned this grid in my last post too.)
To warm up for this week’s tile I decided to do a “sampler” tile with several tangles that use this grid. It turned into a kind of Family Portrait. Tangles used are top & bottom – Bask-it by Anna Houston, left to right – African Artist by Tina Hunziker, Scrumble by Jane Monk, and Groovy by Eden Hunt.
After this fun warm up exercise I moved on to a mono tangle of Groovy. I started with the wavy grid but as you can see it did not want to stay together and instead pulled apart a bit at the edges.
Next came the diagonal lines that alternate back and forth. They didn’t want to cooperate either and one space got left blank.
Then anarchy ruled and some of the ribbons got loose and some of the shapes turned see through.
In the end I let Groovy have it’s way and I like what it did. What do you think?
As usual if you see anything in this post that you would like to try in your own work please feel free to do so.
Love it Lynne!!
Lynn it would be interesting to get inside your head to see how you always come up with such amazing twists of patterns. These samples are amazing! Thank you!