This weeks Square One focus tangle is Printemps. This is one of the tangles I use all the time so I did not feel the need to explore this tangle in my sketchbook this week.
I have been wanting to do a tile using Margaret Bremners “Rope String” idea though and thought this might be a good time to try that.
I started off with a Rope string and began filling it with different variations of Printemps.
Then I added some black background, line weighting, and sparkles to some of the variations. This added a little more contrast to the tile.
Finally I added the shading to finish the tile. I wanted the section with the large line weighted spirals to be in the forefront and then each section to be on top of the next moving toward the edges of the tile. Each section was shaded only along one edge to help create this illusion.
I like the way the Rope string provided discrete sections for the Printemps variations and also tied them all together (no pun intended or maybe it was).
As always if you see anything in this post that you would like to try in your own work please feel free to do so.